(03) 9827 2922
HomeFee Guide

Fee Guide

At K1 Dental in Toorak we offer the highest standard in quality dental care at affordable prices. We are also participating preferred providers with Bupa, NIB and HCF.

At K1 Dental, we want our patients to know the right dental treatment.

What are the prices for our most popular treatments?

Cosmetic Dentistry

Orthodontics for $5,000 to $12,000 (depending on the variation of brace you choose)

Crown $2,066 to $2,519 (can be more if in gold)

Putting Our Patients First

We are preferred providers for Bupa, HCF, nib and smile.com.au. We proudly accept all major dental insurance claims and offer Afterpay payment options.

Bupa Platinum Health Insurance Provider
HCF Health Insurance Provider
NIB Health Insurance Provider

Can I get a quote for the dental treatment I need?

We offer a treatment plan to all of our patients as part of your comprehensive oral exam (during your first visit).

A dental treatment plan is a detailed outline of dental treatment to be performed. This plan is created following an assessment of each patient's individual dental health needs and will include a diagnosis of any issues that require treatment, as well as a proposed schedule for the necessary treatments. The plan may also include recommendations for ongoing preventative care to maintain good dental health.

Learn more about our practice's prices

Contact us to discuss our fees, treatment plans, or payment options.

Learn more about the fees for dental treatments.